Services Offered for Emotional Trauma Recovery

Services Offered for Emotional Trauma Recovery
Compassionate, present and knowledgeable support
Trauma work takes time, patience, compassion and kindness. You are embarking on a road to release the pain that has held you hostage for years. You will learn to use your body & emotions as a barometer will free you!
Compassion Based Resilience Recovery from a Narcissistic Abuse
1. Narcissistic Abuse Survivors
Narcissistic abuse is consider as the worst form of mental, emotional, verbal and not rare physical abuse. It can be done by your parents, siblings, partner, even by your coworker, boss or a team leader. It is abuser conscious effort to kill all your values, sense of self-worth and form of joy or humanity. You start to feel small, scared and guilty and you don’t know why. You start to feel crazy because abuser main goal is to make you feel crazy and guilty. You develop toxic inner shame and toxic inner critic.
Compassion Based Emotional Resilience Recovery for a Narcissistic Abuse Survivors
You are already on this website and this is a step. Important step. You know you are wounded and I can assure you recovery and healing from narcissistic abuse is possible for you. Recovery is slow but this is where my expertise will help. I lived this life for decades and I can assure you I will hold your pain and I will provide you with skills so you will be able to move from a victim to survivor to a thriver.

Steps we take.
We will work on a Inner Child trauma recovery if abuse happened during your childhood and adolescent years. Also if the abuse is current we will safely work on a healing your inner self. I will provide you with tools for a self-compassion and self-nurturing. Slowly and safely, step by step we will bring your self- esteem back and love for abandoned wonderful inner being you have.
2. Adults with Childhood Trauma
Emotional trauma recovery of your Inner Child is the most important work you will do for yourself. Do you know why? Because you have never been truly seen, heard or validated by your parents or caretakers. Traumatic and painful events in family were just minimized, discarded and never addressed. You most likely have developed Complex PTSD too.
You as an adult somehow, deep inside know that. How?
Because they thought you not to have your voice, not to express your nature, not to have simple rights and they thought you to develop a deep inner critic full of toxic shame. Traumatic and painful events in family were just minimized, discarded and never addressed. Maybe, now as an adult, for the first time in decades you would be able to stop oppression done by your family and develop a skills to see and embrace your WONDER inner child and give a voice and freedom to be heard, seen and valued. First by YOU. The most important person. Time of self-abandonment will slowly but surely end.

How does it work?
That child in you is waiting for you so long but it is also very scared.Very slowly and at your own pace and only when you feel ready you will learn to embrace your lost inner child with my guidance.

Steps we take.
We will meet, embrace, accept, heal and celebrate your inner child in each development stage of your childhood through out many talks, journaling and play. This is the long time coming but also most profound and healing work you will do for yourself.
3. Complex PTSD and PTSD Recovery
On the surface, it may seem like PTSD and Complex PTSD are none too dissimilar – they both come as the result of something deeply traumatic, they cause flashbacks, nightmares and insomnia, and they can make people live in fear even when they are safe. But at the very heart of C-PTSD lives Toxic Inner Critic and Toxic Inner Shame.
Mindfulness Based PTSD Recovery
Using mindfulness for PTSD and Complex PTSD symptoms recovery is proven to be one of the most effective healing tools . Mindfulness has been around for ages. However, mental health professionals are beginning to recognize just last years that mindfulness can have many benefits for people suffering from trauma, PTSD and Complex PTSD symptoms .

How does it work?
Mindfulness can help you train yourself to get unstuck from a vicious cycle of negative thinking, often a cornerstone of trauma. Don’t forget your ptsd or complex PTSD symptoms are results of years and decades of maybe childhood trauma hidden and buried in your body. No quick fixes, no medications, no overnight results will release your trauma but with mindful recovery and resources I will provide, you will get there.

Steps we take.
I will guide you step by step how to accept experiences and triggers in a nonjudgemental way and with slow, patient and self-compassion awareness you will resculpt your brain autopilot reactions to self-blame, inner critic, shame and addictions. By using mindful approach we will talk and practice a lot but you will get to place of peace and healthy life.
4. Toxic Shame and Inner Critic Recovery
You will learn to recognize, confront and disidentify from the many inner critic and shame processes that tumble you back in emotional time to the awful feelings of overwhelming fear, self-hate, hopelessness and self-disgust that were part and parcel of your original childhood abandonment.
Compassion Recovery and Awareness
You will learn to recognize, confront and disidentify from the many inner critic and shame processes that tumble you back in emotional time to the awful feelings of overwhelming fear, self-hate, hopelessness and self-disgust that were part and parcel of your original childhood abandonment.

How does it work?
Embracing the critic and shame. These parts of you need to be heard. You will find out why. Also thought substitution is another essential tool for empowering the work of thought-stopping the critic.

Steps we take.
I encourage you to immediately ( from this moment ) confront the critic’s negative messages and processes with positive ones, for even one such thought can act like a single virus and rage infectiously out of control into a flu-like mélange of shame, fear and self-abandonment. This is very simple and crucial step you can take right now and then we will practice and learn all other steps in your recovery.
5. Inherited Trauma Recovery
Do you know you can unconsciously relive your mother’s anxiety? Repeat your father’s disappointments and bursts of anger? Replicate the failed relationships of you parents or grandparents guilt to have any joy, laughter or vacation time in life? And do you know you are probably transferring the same to your children? But with emotional trauma healing and recovery you can stop decades of pain. You will become transitional character. Someone who stops a generational trauma, changes entire course of a lineage, and refuses to pass it down on to their children. It stops right with you when we do our work and this will be the most significant transformation you can do for your self, your family and the world.
Transgenerational Trauma Recovery
While our physical traits are easily discernible, this emotional legacy is often hidden from us. Anxiety, fear, financial worries, depression, illness and unhappy relationships can all be forms of our unconscious inheritance. Unresolved traumas, some going back two or three generations, can ensnare us in feelings and situations that don’t even belong to us. They can forge a blueprint for our life, and can even pass onto our children. It doesn’t have to continue.

Steps we take.
I will ask many questions and also give you a list of the questions from where you can start asking your family members what happened and do your own homework. Don’t worry if there are answers you can’t get. We will identify your emotional trauma and patterns passed down to you.

How does it work?
We will talk about those patterns in your family history and will identify your emotional trauma while using somatic experience to better understand where the fear is happening in your body and mind and when. You will become transitional character. Someone who stops a generational trauma, changes entire course of a lineage, and refuses to pass it down on to their children. It stops with you and this will be the most significant work you can do for your self, people around you and world.
6. Addiction and Relapse Recovery
We all have or had addictions. Another glass of wine, more snacks or more food or just another hour at work or just another project until ….. ? Binge watching TV, shopping, Internet, workaholism, cognitive addiction, food, snacks, substance addiction. Numbing out can be done with almost everything. Even with sport.
How does it mindfulness based addiction and relapse recovery work?
By accepting the experience. Accepting pleasant or unpleasant experience in our bodies. Starting from this important step we will patiently develop emotional resilience and a new habit skills when you get triggered. Also you will identified and heal main reason of your addiction, main pain and suffering what happened sometimes decades ago. We’ll do main anchor trauma detecting and healing from there up to this moment.

Steps we take.
You will develop awareness of a body and mind by using somatic experience approach and mindfulness. I will guide you step by step until you become more confident in this process. Also we will work on a support system and accessible resources for your recovery.