Sings and Symptoms of Adults with Childhood Emotional Trauma

Sings and Symptoms of Adults with Childhood Emotional Trauma
You as an adult somehow, deep inside know that something was missing growing up. How?
Because in your family you were thought not to have your voice, not to express your nature, not to show up because it was just something you had to do to adapt and it was easier to adjust and live like that as a child. Not expressing your needs you have developed a deep inner critic with toxic shame or anger. Traumatic and early painful events in family were just minimized, discarded and never addressed. Or you were never seen and heard by your parents and they may be very good people and you still care about them. Maybe, now as an adult, you can develop a skills to see, embrace and heal your inner SELF and give yourself a voice and freedom to be heard, seen and valued witch wasn’t done by your parents.
Take a look at Trauma Symptoms witch are in old books called Depression Symptoms. Depression is adaptation to your emotional trauma and it is normal response to abnormal situations.
Most people think of depression as synonymous with sadness, but depression/trauma symptoms can manifest itself in many ways that may not be apparent to the untrained eye such as:
- Lethargy, fatigue or loss of energy
- Loss of interest, lack of motivation, lack of pleasure
- Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness
- Hypersomnia or increased need for sleep
- Insomnia or difficulty sleeping
- Weight loss or weight gain not due to dieting or exercise
- Increased or decreased appetite
- Feeling worthless or guilty
- Anxiety, agitation, or restlessness
- Angry outbursts, irritability, or frustration over small matters
- Difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions
- Thoughts of hurting yourself or self-injurious behaviors (e.g. cutting)*
- Thoughts of death or suicide*
**Please call 911 immediately if you are having thoughts of harming yourself in any way**
- difficult time with emotions — experiencing them, controlling them, and for many, just being able to comprehend or label them accurately
- still feeling as you are a child even you might be 40 or 50 year old. Still waiting for “older” people or “abuser” approval and permission to do things or start living a life.
- lost sense of self because of interrupted identity development. It is hard for you to say what you like and dislike. It’s hard for you to identify your needs and your boundaries
- you don’t like feeling needy
- you are ashamed to ask for help or get emotional in front of others
- people tell you that you come across as distant, arrogant or rigid
- you don’t like the feeling that someone really needs you
- you feel uncomfortable when someone cries in your presence
- you are uncomfortable crying yourself
- self-judgment and judgment of others is common
- you tend to expect rejection around every corner
- you are jumping from one project to another, from one relationship to another, from one job to another
- it is hard to open up even to your close friends, or therapist